Wednesday, 4 December 2019


By default, the path component is not considered as a different context. Most of the time, you won't need the TortoiseGit context menu, apart for folders that are under version control by Git. A few infrequently used settings are available only in the advanced page of the settings dialog. The Settings Dialog, Network Page. The default is true. TortoiseGit can use spell checker modules which are also used by OpenOffice and Mozilla. tortoisegit msysgit

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If no icon is included by that project, you may find one on you own, put it in. When I try to clone, I get "git have not installed" [sic].

TortoiseGit – Windows Shell Interface to Git

When you type the first 3 letters of an item in the list, the auto-completion box pops up, and you can press Enter to complete the filename. Add with history, or paths copied in the repository. Asked 9 years, 4 months ago. Since this can lead to doubled accelerators e.

TortoiseGit Manual

You can tortoisegot this feature on by setting this value to true. From here you can view the log file content, and also clear it. The default is If you want to show an overlay in these cases, just check the boxes.

Debug Set this to true if you want a dialog to pop up for every command showing the command line used to start TortoiseGitProc. At msysgit it is not recomended version anymore in fact now redirects to http: The default value is false.

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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. By default lines are kept, but you can customize that number.

tortoisegit msysgit

If you enter a shorter message than specified here, the commit button is disabled. All projects below that directory will show overlays, except the c: The default setting is to use tools which are installed alongside TortoiseGit. The Git progress dialog shows the output of the executed git. Sign up to join this community. This option defines whether the commit of a submodule to which the super repository points to is highlighted with a branch like label cf.

tortoisegit msysgit

Here you can define your own programs that TortoiseGit should use. The commit and log dialog use styling e.

The command line includes several parameters which get filled in by TortoiseGit. When enabled, if you close Progress Dialog or Sync Dialog with a running git process, you will be asked for confirmation before killing it.

This is because Windows is forced to look on the drive, which can result in a delay of several seconds when starting Explorer, even if your PC does have a floppy drive. Because the number of overlays available is severely restricted, you can choose to disable some handlers to ensure that the ones you want will be loaded.

This configuration helps you to reduce the number of context menu entries according to your needs. This can be useful when, for example, you want to check what happened in a recent update command. Caution If you want to inherit a value tortkisegit a otrtoisegit level don't leave a textbox empty this means than an empty string will be stored, which might evaluate to trueselect Inherit instead. There is no official support for Cygwin git in TortoiseGit do not enable this for the "Git for Windows package!

To disable loading and saving cache for the TGitCache program, set this value to false.

TortoiseGit's Settings – TortoiseGit – Documentation – TortoiseGit – Windows Shell Interface to Git

It only needs "Git for Windows". This timeout stops the commit dialog being held up for too long.

tortoisegit msysgit

The Settings Dialog, Git, Credential. A few infrequently used settings are available only in the advanced page of the settings dialog.

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