Friday, 6 December 2019


Formatting data By default, DevCenter displays datatypes in a certain format. Steps for installing DevCenter. Information about DataStax DevCenter features. Related reference Keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts DataStax DevCenter keyboard shortcuts. Steps for installing DevCenter. datastax devcenter

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About DataStax DevCenter

Clone a connection by: By hovering the mouse cursor over the error a list containing possible quick fixes displays. Users can quickly devcentef and create new connections, import previously saved queries, and navigate database instances. Associate a tab in the Query Editor to: Related reference Keyboard shortcuts.

DataStax DevCenter reference topics. Reference DataStax DevCenter reference topics. After installing DevCenter 1. DevCenter can notify you when a new version is available. When an update is available a dialog is displayed that includes information about the currently installed version and the new version available.

Automatic updates

The Connection Manager provides a simple and friendly way to add and manage connections to existing DataStax Enterprise clusters. Topics about the DataStax DevCenter.

dztastax The statement may be partially highlighted also. Privacy policy Terms of use. Schema Navigator The Schema Navigator provides a tree control that displays the structure and details of the schema for example, keyspaces, tables for the current connection.

datastax devcenter

Steps for installing DevCenter. By default, DevCenter displays datatypes in a dataztax format. Additional table options available in the Create and Edit Table wizard: Added wizards for dropping User-defined Functions and User-defined Aggregates The drop action checks for dependent objects for example, dropping a table checks for materialized views, dropping a User-defined type checks for table and User-defined types, dropping a User-defined function checks for User-defined aggregates Improved timestamp formatting used in the Query Results and Detailed Results views; the new format is yyyy-MM-dd hh: Besides normal editing functionality, such as cutting, copying, and pasting, the Query Editor also has: Formatting data By default, DevCenter displays datatypes in a certain format.

Cassandra versionDataStax Enterprise version and workload Data formatting: DevCenter can notify you when a new version is available. Information about DataStax DevCenter features.

Privacy policy Terms of use.

datastax devcenter

Reference DataStax DevCenter reference topics. Create and edit a CQL script in a tab. DataStax DevCenter keyboard shortcuts.

Edit the Advanced Settings by expanding the Basic Settings leaf. Frozen collections including nested collections and FULL collection indexes. The Connection Manager provides a simple dataatax friendly way to add and manage connections to existing DataStax Enterprise clusters.

datastax devcenter

DataStax DevCenter Not supported. Frequently asked questions about DevCenter. Automatic updates DevCenter can notify you when a new version is available. Privacy policy Terms of use. Information about DataStax DevCenter features.

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