Sunday, 8 December 2019


Should I upgrade to eDirectory 8. They have a main location with with their primary NetWare 5. Upgrading from Netware 5. Also, if there is one for netware 6x and 4x, that would be great. I was wondering if upgrading it to SP8 would resolve the problem. novell netware 6.5 sp8 iso

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Tim On Wed, 05 Nov I'd like to get the necessary training to be able to upgrade and administer Netware 6. Our internal file server and compute We desperately need to get it talking again because of Groupwise, etc.

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My servers are not in a clustered environment. I currently have a NW5. Email is also acceptable! Also no replicas of the master Netware 5.

Novell Doc: NW65 SP8: Installation Guide - Upgrading to NetWare SP6

So an upgrade to NW 6. Published on August 8, 5: We want to upgrad Are there any ramifications installing a NW 6.

An upgrade,and I suggest 6. They are looking to upgrade to NetWare 6.

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If I lost my floppy licence for my netware 5. Upgrading from Netware 5. From reading other threds here, the 2 things to do first, is to upgrade to the most current eDirectory and the apply the most current patches to the servers.

Currently, all servers have Netware 5. I have clients who have or are doing both. What action do I have to do first?

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Is wp8 best to upgrade my master replica first so my replica in a mixed environment is a 6. I was wondering if upgrading it to SP8 would resolve the problem. However, how would I go about upgrading to Netware 5. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.

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Unfortunately, one of our other NetWare 5. This network will be used ntware test the migration of my 10 netware 5. There are many servers in my environment, but all of them are: Upgrade DS version, latest patchs Web resources about - Netware 5.

I'm sure someone else will jump in for more details SBS version if you have less than 50 users. So that why I'm looking newtare move to netware 5. Even the latest NetWare version, 6. What kind of service pack should I use on Netware 5. Can we do this without applying SP6a to Netware 5. Downloads - NetWare 6.

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